Burial Insurance for Diabetics – It Can Be Affordable!

By Matt Schmidt

Dec 11
Burial Insurance for Diabetics – It Can Be Affordable!

Hearing the words, “You have diabetes,” from your doctor can stop you in your tracks. Those words are scary and can change your life as you know it. You will have to change the way you eat, you will have to make sure you get exercise daily, and let’s not even talk about the new medications you will have to add to your regiment! And this is all because you were diagnosed with diabetes.

According to the American Diabetes Association, There are over 30 million people with diabetes, in the United States alone. Out of that number, nearly 95% have type 2 diabetes. Also, it’s speculated that nearly 84 million people may have Pre-Diabetes.

Luckily, things are different these days than they were many years ago. Doctors are able to prescribe treatment that, if taken seriously, can lead to a long, fulfilled, and promising life. We know Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes is no longer a death sentence. Hopefully, you are compliant with your Dr.’s treatment, and maybe even dieting and exercising regularly. The days of people with Type 1 Diabetes not qualifying for life insurance, are LONG GONE!!!

So, how does diabetes affect your burial insurance? Let’s just say that just because you find yourself with a diabetes diagnosis does not mean you will find yourself having to pay more for burial insurance. In fact, you can find insurance that will give you an immediate death benefit policy – without overpaying due to having diabetes! The key is to know how to find the best policy. That is where we come in! We can help make the burial insurance application a breeze for you and your family!

Our experience and knowledge can help put you in touch with the insurance companies that are most friendly to diabetics and offer the same rates as a person without Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes. You are already dealing with a life-altering health issue – you definitely don’t need high burial insurance rates, too. Let us help you find the best policy to meet your needs and at the lowest rate. To be honest, people with Diabetes will have a plethora of choices, when choosing a burial insurance company.

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, here is a bit of insider knowledge:

Types of Questions that will be asked

The health questions you encounter will likely depend on various final expense insurance companies. Not all companies will ask the same questions. Some companies may ask you more than others, and some may be more invasive than others.

Don’t feel overwhelmed! We will help you navigate the diabetic burial insurance marketplace. Our agents will recommend companies that you qualify for!! It is important to keep in mind that burial insurance requires no physical medical exam, but it is important to be honest in answering their questions. These whole life insurance products are simplified issued products that provide permanent insurance for your family.

Most insurance companies will do a MIB (Medical Information Bureau) background check, and will also do a prescription drug check. This is done to make sure that you are being truthful when answering the health questions. The results of these background checks, in addition to the answering of health questions, will determine what rates and plans, you’ll qualify for. When working with the Burial Insurance Pro’s, we’ll help you pre-qualify for specific insurance companies. There’s nothing worse than applying to the ‘wrong’ insurance company and getting declined.

Here is a sample of the questions you may be asked –

How tall are you?
What is your approximate weight?
Were you diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes?
What age were you first diagnosed with Diabetes?
How many units of insulin do you take daily?
Are you oral medications such as Metformin, Glyburide, Actos, Januvia or Glipizide?
Have you ever been in a diabetic coma?
Have you ever gone into insulin shock?
Have you ever had to have an amputation resulting from your diabetes?
Do you have kidney issues due to diabetes? (Nephropathy)
Do you have nerve or circulatory issues due to diabetes? (Neuropathy)
Do you have eye issues resulting from your diabetes? (Retinopathy)
Are you being treated for any type of diminished kidney function including medications or kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant?

This is just an idea of the questions you may hear – but it is not an exhaustive list. Truth is, underwriters for different insurance companies may ask you all sorts of questions. Insurance companies want to make sure that your overall control of Diabetes is “fair” or better.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, do not feel as though you will not qualify for final expense insurance. There is a company out there that can offer you affordable life insurance for diabetics– you will just need the experts to help you find them! And, yes – we are the experts!

Burial Insurance + Diabetes = Affordable Coverage?

Today, diabetes is incredibly common in our population. Chances are you know someone who has it, too. Because of this, final expense insurance companies have had to adjust their policies to allow those with diabetes to obtain affordable plans. They have even had to make changes that allow individuals who have dealt with complications to purchase reasonable burial insurance.

Underwriters vary greatly – and each insurance company uses different underwriters. For burial insurance for diabetics, it is important to know that just because one company (underwriter) may decline you due to diabetic issues, doesn’t mean that it is the end of the road. There are many other companies that offer burial insurance for diabetics to choose from. What one company may decline, another may accept.

It is important to know that you have options when it comes to buying final expense insurance as a diabetic. If you have or have not had any of the complications listed below or if your diabetic condition is worsening, you still have options. There is affordable insurance out there just for you – you just need to know how to find it!

When one company says no… another may say yes! Don’t limit yourself to just one company. There are several options out there for the Diabetes community.

What Companies are Diabetic Friendly?

While there are several options out there, we are going to list a few of our favorites.

Sentinel Security Life will consider people with Type 1 and type 2 Diabetes. The main concen they have is the amount of insulin you take daily. They will consider you for coverage if you’re taking under 50 units of insulin daily. Rates are very competitive, if you are in a State, where their burial insurance product is available in. Sentinel Security is a great company, that pays their death claims in a timely manner. Our clients have nothing but good things to say, about this company.
Mutual of Omaha is one of the better known life insurance, and burial insurance provider in the country. A+ rated, and one of the oldest insurance companies in America. Mutual of Omaha will consider both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics, as long as they were diagnosed at age 50 or older. This is one of the main limitations on their product, when it comes to servicing the Diabetes community. Great company, and great product, but we wished the Mutual of Omaha final expense product offered the level death benefit plan to people diagnosed with Diabetes at an earlier age.
Royal Neighbors of America is probably an insurance company, that you’ve never heard of. That’s not a bad thing though! They are one of the best kept secrets, when it comes to burial insurance companies and Diabetes. They will consider both Type 1, and Type 2 diabetics, diagnosed at age 30 or older. Royal Neighbors of America has an A rating, they provide GREAT customer service, and they will even consider people for coverage who have various forms of Diabetes complications. They are one of our client’s favorite senior insurance companies!
Prosperity Life may be another life insurance carrier that you may not have heard of. However, they have an A rating, they provide excellent customer service to their clients, and most importantly, they are Diabetic friendly. With their funeral insurance product, they do not have a minimum age for Diabetes onset. However, if you have history of diabetes related amputations, diabetic coma, or kidney disease, you will not qualify for their insurance product that pays an immediate death benefit.
Assurity Life is another A rated insurance carrier that is friendly for the diabetes community. They will take Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics. However, you need to have been diagnosed after age 10, and must have stable control of your Diabetes. If you have various Diabetes complications, they will not approve you for the immediate death benefit plan.
Gerber Life offers a “guaranteed acceptance” policy. If you have severe health issues, in combination of diabetes complications, they will accept you for their guaranteed issued product. So if you don’t’ qualify for other companies plans, this product could be a last resort for you.

How Much will Burial Insurance with Diabetes cost?

Everyone’s health profile will be a little different, so it’s hard to tell the exact costs of your premiums. However, we will provide some sample rates.

To determine what plans you qualify for, simply contact us, and speak with our agent. The below rates are assuming you are a NON Tobacco user

Male $10,000 Whole Life

CompanyAge 50Age 60Age 70Age 80
Mutual of Omaha$29.16$42.76$73.70$132.65
Liberty Bankers Life$30.51$45.80$73.31$146.80

Female $10,000 Whole Life

CompanyAge 50Age 60Age 70Age 80
Mutual of Omaha$24.67$32.87$53.24$98.43
Liberty Bankers Life$25.57$34.67$54.79$109.16

Male $20,000 Whole Life

CompanyAge 50Age 60Age 70Age 80
Mutual of Omaha$55.11$82.31$144.20$262.11
Liberty Bankers Life$56.39$86.97$141.99$288.97

Female $20,000 Whole Life

CompanyAge 50Age 60Age 70Age 80
Mutual of Omaha$46.14$62.53$103.28$193.66
Liberty Bankers Life$46.51$64.71$104.95$213.69

How We Can Help You!

If you have ever tried to obtain burial insurance on your own, then you know that it is tough. There are more companies and more questions than one could possibly count! The process can be overwhelming and discouraging – especially if you are talking to the wrong insurance companies. You see those TV commercials advertising Colonial Penn, and AARP, but are they a good fit for you? Probably not!

Lots of companies target the Senior market place, but their senior insurance products aren’t usually the best solution. They like to mail stuff out to people, as opposed to having an experienced agent discuss the pros and cons to the various products they offer. Not to mention, these companies that advertise this way, are not ideal for diabetics.

At Burial Insurance Pro’s, we have knowledge of diabetes and how it relates in the burial insurance world. We know the ins and outs of these companies, including those who may or may not approve you for a reasonably priced policy. Why waste time and energy seeking policies from companies who will just decline you or ask you to pay a ridiculously high policy rate? Our knowledge of your diagnosis allows us to understand how each company works and which would be the best for you!

It Gets Trickier

When it comes to burial insurance for diabetics it is important to keep in mind that it isn’t just diabetes that the insurance company will look at. They will also look into your entire health portfolio – without doing a physical exam, of course. If you have any other health issues or concerns, this may cause a few hiccups on the road to obtaining affordable burial insurance for diabetics. No, it doesn’t mean you cannot obtain affordable burial insurance, it just means the process of finding it may be more intricate.

Here are some basic health questions that most final expense carriers will ask:

  1. Are you currently hospitalized, in a nursing facility, confined to a bed, or receiving hospice care?
  2. Are you currently prescribed to use oxygen for any lung or respiratory disorder?
  3. Have you been diagnosed by a medical professional as having an aneurysm that has not been surgically repaired?
  4. At any time have you been diagnosed or treated by a medical professional or had surgery for any of the following?
    1. Any condition requiring bone marrow, stem cell, or organ transplant?
    2. Ever been diagnosed with kidney disease requiring dialysis?
  5. Within the past 24 months, have you been diagnosed or treated by a medical professional or had surgery for any of the following?
    1. Heart attack, heart valve disorder, heart blockage, stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)?
    2. Any lung or respiratory disorder requiring the use of a nebulizer?
    3. Any lung or respiratory disorder, such as COPD or emphysema?
    4. Internal cancer, melanoma, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, systemic lupus (SLE)?
    5. Chronic pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis, or Cirrhosis?
    6. Neuromuscular disorder including, but not limited to: cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy?
    7. Any connective tissue disorder, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease?
  6. At any time. Have you been diagnosed or treated by a medical professional or had surgery for any of the following?
    1. Congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, Parkinson’s disease?
    2. Any permanent paralysis, amputation caused by disease?

All the more reason to contact the Burial Insurance Pro’s!

We have helped many people find the Burial Insurance coverage they need at a price that is affordable. We know your options and we help you sort through them – answering any questions you may have along the way. You are not in this alone. Please contact us!!!

To receive information, all it takes is a quick 5-minute phone call. You can call us at 844-334-6143. After speaking with an agent, and sharing with us your health profile, we will be able to guide you to particular burial insurance carriers and make unbiased recommendations.

There’s nothing worse than thinking you can’t qualify for final expense insurance, due to your Diabetes. That’s just a myth!!!! Let us help you and your family obtain this valuable funeral insurance coverage today!

Contact us today, to begin discussions into determining what insurance companies, are ideal for you!

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