Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance Revew for 2025

By Matt Schmidt

Mar 11

You’re considering Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance because you want to protect your family from paying out a large sum of money for your final expenses. That’s great to take it upon yourself, and not be a burden on your family. Burial insurance is one of the most important financial products a person can own. Before purchasing this insurance plan, take a closer look. 

Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance reviews are an excellent place to start. Find out what you can expect if you opt for this coverage. Need information regarding Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance? Learn more about burial insurance plans and read helpful reviews. We’re your trusted source for Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance. We’ll help you decide if Lincoln Heritage is the best company for your given situation. Contact us at 844-334-6143 and let a licensed agent review your need.

About Lincoln Heritage                   

Lincoln Heritage was founded in 1963. They currently hold an A- (Excellent) rating with A.M. Best. They are also an A+ rated accredited business with the BBB. They operate in 49 states, and have over 1 million policies in force. You may have seen some of their many online advertisements for “final expense”, “burial insurance”, or “funeral insurance”.

Lincoln Heritage also has a strong advertising presence on television; however, they acquire most of their burial insurance consumers via their direct mail program. Lincoln Heritage is presently the largest final expense insurer in the United States. As such, they sell more burial insurance than any competitor insurance company. Lincoln Heritage has a similar model as other over priced insurance carriers who do mailings such as Globe Life, Colonial Life, and AARP. Generally these life insurance companies tend to not be the best options for a consumer.

Funeral insurance is the overwhelming focus of the company. The vast majority of their annual revenue comes directly from burial insurance. Currently, they only sell final expense policies, term life insurance policies, and accidental death and dismemberment insurance. Lincoln Heritage prefers to focus on this niche market rather than creating a diverse portfolio of product offerings as many of their competitors do.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing! Afterall working with a company who focuses on a niche is generally a good thing for the consumers. However the one stumbling block we see with Lincoln Heritage is the pricing of their product.

Captive Insurance Agents

Lincoln Heritage is what is known as a “captive” insurance company. This means that Lincoln Heritage will not allow their agents to represent any other burial insurance companies. There are several captive insurance companies for all lines of insurance. Some well-known examples of these are: State Farm, AARP Farmers, New York Life, Colonial Penn, and Globe Life.

As a customer of any of these companies, one is limited to the selection of products offered by that respective company alone. Captive insurance companies can be highly specialized and successful in some product offerings, while other sectors of their services may not be as competitive. Lincoln Heritage’s captive status can prove to be problematic in certain areas. Why? Because they only represent one company. Even though they know there may be a better policy out there for you, they will only offer the products from Lincoln Heritage. One bad example of this we come across daily is when a consumer purchases a modified death benefit plan. Not only is this product more expensive than other near guaranteed acceptance options, but many people could qualify for a policy with an immediate death benefit payout.

One tip we do recommend if necessarily wanting a Lincoln Heritage policy, is to purchase it from an agent or agency who is independent. There are a few agents out there who represent Lincoln Heritage, as well as other companies. These types of patents can help you make an educated decision on what company is best for you.

Funeral Advantage Program

Lincoln Heritage’s burial insurance is called the Funeral Advantage Program. This plan includes two components. 

  • Final Expense Life Insurance Cash Benefit: This cash benefit covers final expenses, including the burial. The death benefit can be paid to the beneficiary, or it can be assigned to a funeral home. If the policy is outside of the two year contestability period, the death benefit may be paid in 48 to 72 hours.
  • Family Support Services: The Funeral Consumer Guardian Society provides this benefit. Family members get access to a representative to help with the details that arise after a loved one passes away.

Now that you know the basics, let’s examine this policy.

An Overview of the Policy – What to Expect

People don’t have to go through any medical exams to get Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance. However, phone interviews are required if you purchase at least $20,000 of coverage. You might even have to go through a phone interview if you purchase less coverage. 

Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance is classified as a small face value simplified issue whole life policy. Because this is a whole life policy, the monthly premiums can’t increase, and the death benefits can’t decrease. Also, the policy won’t expire at any age. 

The company offers its standard Funeral Advantage plan and a modified plan. The modified plan is available to people with health issues. A person’s health profile will determine the exact plan they are eligible for. 

 Lincoln Heritage Funeral Advantage Program Highlights

  • No health exams nor medical records needed
  • Simple one-page application that can be completed over the telephone
  • Coverage for ages 40-85
  • Optional riders available (Child – AD&D)
  • Prescription history check will help determine eligibility
  • Life Insurance amounts up to $20,000
  • No Height / Weight Chart. This is advantageous for overweight people

Funeral Advantage and Modified Plan Details 

Many of the details are the same for the Funeral Advantage and modified plans. The amount of coverage you get depends on your age. If you’re 80 years old or under, you can get up to $35,000 of coverage. However, if you don’t apply until you are between 81 and 85, you’re limited to $15,000 of coverage.

If approved for their level death benefit plan, this means the policy will pay the full amount at time of death

This policy includes a 20-pay option. The means that people can choose to pay premiums for 20 years. At the end of that period, they stop paying premiums but they’ll still have coverage. Those who select this option have to pay higher premiums. But on the plus side, after 20 years of payments, your policy is paid up. This can be a great option for younger people.

This policy is available in every state except for New York. New York has specific regulations in place that make it difficult for insurance companies to offer coverage therefore, some burial insurance companies avoid the state altogether. There are other options for people interested in buying a burial policy in New York. 

Riders Available with Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance

People have the option to purchase two riders when they opt for burial insurance from Lincoln Heritage. They can choose a child rider and an AD&D rider.

  • A child rider is available for children under the age of 18, but they must be at least 30 days old. The company breaks the child rider down into units, each one providing $5,000 of level term coverage. You have the option of buying up to five units. Children can convert the rider into a permanent plan before they reach the age of 25. The permanent plan can’t have a higher face value than the rider but it can have a lower face value. 
  • The AD&D rider is for accidental death and dismemberment. This coverage is also broken up into units, with a total of eight units available.

If you buy a single unit, you get an accidental death benefit of $5,000. The single dismemberment benefit is $2,500 while the automobile accident death benefit is $10,000. The common carrier accidental death benefit is $20,00, and the death due to an act of war or terrorism benefit is $20,000. A single unit also includes a $1,000 benefit for the transport of remains if you die more than 200 miles from home.

Along with purchasing this as a rider, this policy is available as a stand-alone product.

Funeral Advantage Program Rates – What You Need to Know

Lincoln Heritage claims that its burial insurance plan is affordable. However, if you check out Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance reviews, you’ll realize it’s anything but. This insurance is up to 300 percent more expensive than other available options.

A healthy 50-year-old female that doesn’t take any medications on the modified prescription list can expect to pay $33.90 a month for $10,000 of coverage. Compare that to $24.67 a month for Mutual of Omaha, and it becomes clear that this is one of the more expensive policies on the market. 

It’s even more costly for men. A healthy 50-year-old male without any medications on the prescription list can expect to pay $41.10 a month for $10,000 worth of coverage from Lincoln Heritage. That same male could pay as little as $29.16 from Mutual of Omaha. Or about $30 per month with Sentinel Security Life.

The plan is considerably more expensive than plans being offered by other insurers. However, the price significantly increases when people have health issues. They can become victims of Lincoln Heritage’s strict underwriting guidelines. That’s when they need to worry about paying as much as 300 percent more for coverage.

To qualify for the immediate death benefit Lincoln Heritage burial policy, you’ll need to answer the following health questions:

Lincoln Heritage also has two knockout questions on their application that you have to answer NO to or you will be turned down for coverage. The questions are listed as Uninsurable Conditions on their application:

  1. Has the proposed insured been diagnosed, by a physician, with a terminal illness or HIV or AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)?
  2. Is the proposed insured currently incarcerated, hospitalized, in a care facility or receiving hospice care?

If you can answer NO to the two questions above, you will qualify for immediate coverage or their modified plan.

The next section of their application is listed as Significant Health Conditions. If you answer Yes to any of the questions listed below, your death benefit will be modified. Modified meaning you will have a mandatory waiting period before your death benefit will be paid out. From 40-50 years old, your waiting period is 3 years and over 50 years old your wait will be 2 years.

Here are the Significant Health Conditions questions as they are listed on their application:

  1. Has the proposed insured been hospitalized two or more times in the past six months?
  2. If under age 25, has the proposed insured been diagnosed with any of the following:
    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Cystic Fibrosis
    • Muscular Dystrophy
    • Multiple Sclerosis
  3. In the past two years, has the proposed insured had been diagnosed with, been treated for or taken medication for any of the following conditions:
    • Heart disease including Heart Attack
    • Heart Surgery or Stent Placment
    • Congestive Heart Failure
    • Angina Pectoris
    • Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia
    • Organic Brain Syndrome
    • ALS
    • Diseases of the Circulatory System
    • Stroke or Mini Stroke
    • TIA
    • Brain Aneurysm
    • Cancer
    • Any form of Malignancy other than Basal Cell Skin Cancer
    • COPD
    • Emphysema
    • Oxygen to assist in breathing
    • Liver disease including Cirrhosis or Hepatitis C
    • Kidney disease including Kidney Dialysis
    • Organ Transplant or are you on waiting list for an Organ Transplant
    • Alcohol abuse or drug abuse
    • Insulin Shock or Diabetes Ketoacidosis 
    • Amputation of any limb
    • Diabetic Complications
    • Blindness
    • Kidney Disorder or Disease
  4. Does the proposed insured need assistance performing their Activities of Daily Living including feeding, bathing, or dressing themselves?
  5. Has the proposed insured been positively diagnosed or treated by a physician, for HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)?
  6. Has the proposed insured had or been advised to have a diagnostic test for which results have not yet been received?

Answering NO to all the health question will give you a pretty good shot at being approved for the immediate death benefit policy. In addition to answering health questions, Lincoln Heritage will do a prescription drug background check. As long as NO medications from their knockout list pop up, you’ll be approved. This would be the only policy that you’d even want to consider accepting.

Let’s compare Lincoln Heritage’s immediate death benefit policies pricing, compared to other companies:


AGE Lincoln Heritage
Mutual Of Omaha
Lincoln Heritage
Mutual Of Omaha
50 $33.90 $24.67 $49.35 $35.40
51 $34.80 $25.45 $50.70 $36.58
52 $35.70 $25.88 $52.05 $37.22
53 $36.70 $26.62 $53.55 $38.33
54 $37.60 $27.47 $54.90 $39.60
55 $38.50 $28.40 $56.25 $41.00
56 $39.80 $29.27 $58.20 $42.31
57 $41.00 $30.06 $60.00 $43.48
58 $42.30 $30.83 $61.95 $44.64
59 $43.50 $31.70 $63.75 $45.95
60 $44.80 $32.87 $65.70 $47.70
61 $47.30 $34.51 $69.45 $50.17
62 $49.80 $36.06 $73.20 $52.49
63 $52.40 $37.72 $77.10 $54.98
64 $54.90 $39.36 $80.85 $57.45
65 $57.40 $41.01 $84.60 $59.91
66 $61.00 $43.44 $90.00 $63.56
67 $64.60 $45.86 $95.40 $67.19
68 $68.10 $48.29 $100.65 $70.84
69 $71.70 $50.81 $106.05 $74.61
70 $75.30 $53.24 $111.45 $78.26
71 $80.50 $56.63 $119.25 $83.34
72 $85.60 $60.12 $126.90 $88.58
73 $90.80 $63.93 $134.70 $94.29
74 $95.90 $67.78 $142.35 $100.07
75 $101.10 $72.41 $150.15 $107.01
76 $109.90 $78.25 $163.35 $115.77
77 $118.70 $83.51 $176.55 $123.66
78 $127.40 $88.44 $189.60 $131.06
79 $136.20 $93.41 $202.80 $138.52
80 $145.00 $98.43 $216.00 $146.05
81 $150.30 $106.21 $223.95 $157.72
82 $155.60 $113.96 $231.90 $169.33
83 $160.90 $121.31 $239.85 $180.36
84 $166.20 $128.55 $247.80 $191.23
85 $171.50 $135.90 $255.75 $202.25


AGE Lincoln Heritage
Mutual Of Omaha
Lincoln Heritage
Mutual Of Omaha
50 $41.10 $29.16 $60.15 $42.13
51 $42.50 $30.30 $62.25 $43.85
52 $44.00 $31.12 $64.50 $45.08
53 $45.40 $32.20 $66.60 $46.70
54 $46.90 $33.61 $68.85 $48.81
55 $48.30 $35.09 $70.95 $51.04
56 $50.50 $36.45 $74.25 $53.08
57 $52.70 $37.91 $77.55 $55.26
58 $54.80 $39.27 $80.70 $57.30
59 $57.00 $40.82 $84.00 $59.62
60 $59.20 $42.76 $87.30 $62.53
61 $61.00 $45.38 $90.00 $66.47
62 $62.70 $47.90 $92.55 $70.25
63 $64.50 $50.52 $95.25 $74.17
64 $66.20 $53.14 $97.80 $78.11
65 $68.00 $55.76 $100.50 $82.04
66 $71.70 $59.35 $106.05 $87.42
67 $75.40 $62.93 $111.60 $92.80
68 $79.00 $66.53 $117.00 $98.19
69 $82.70 $70.11 $122.55 $103.57
70 $86.40 $73.70 $128.10 $108.95
71 $93.80 $78.36 $139.20 $115.93
72 $101.20 $82.92 $150.30 $122.78
73 $108.70 $88.01 $161.55 $130.42
74 $116.10 $93.16 $172.65 $138.13
75 $123.50 $99.53 $183.75 $147.69
76 $135.40 $106.87 $201.60 $158.70
77 $147.40 $113.64 $219.60 $168.86
78 $159.30 $119.86 $237.45 $178.18
79 $171.30 $126.23 $255.45 $187.74
80 $183.20 $132.65 $273.30 $197.38
81 $186.70 $143.00 $278.55 $212.89
82 $190.30 $153.54 $283.95 $228.71
83 $193.80 $163.41 $289.20 $243.52
84 $197.40 $173.28 $294.60 $258.32
85 $200.90 $183.15 $299.85 $273.13

As shown on their website, they maintain an A- rating with A.M. Best, and their A+ BBB listing shows them in a positive light as well.

Lincoln Heritage’s Modified Plan

Healthy individuals generally pay higher premiums with Lincoln Heritage life insurance but it’s those with health conditions that are paying a great deal more. People with certain conditions are offered a modified plan through Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance at which point the rates increase dramatically. Also, the company doesn’t pay out benefits if the person passes away within the first 24 months of holding the policy. 

While many insurance companies charge more for certain conditions, few have a list as extensive as Lincoln Heritage.

If you’re on heart medication or a blood thinner, you’ll have to get a modified plan. People receive blood thinners for a variety of reasons, including heart surgery, strokes, heart attacks, and pulmonary hypertension. Unfortunately, once they start on these prescriptions seldom do they get off them. That means you could have a mini-stroke when you’re in your 40s and still be on blood thinners in your 60s, leading to higher premiums and wait times with Lincoln Heritage.

You’ll also need a modified plan if you have:

In our humble opinion, there really is NO reason why you should ever purchase their modified death benefit product. There are way too many better options for people.

It’s clear that Lincoln Heritage gets away with charging much higher premiums by offering their modified plans. Generally, you would be better off trying to find another company who may offer a full death benefit, beginning on day one of the policy. Or consider a guarantee issue policy from providers such as Gerber Life Insurance.

Just how much will you pay if you have one or more of these conditions? If you’re a 50-year-old female, you can expect to pay $83.40 for $10,000 worth of burial insurance. Compare that to less than $30 a month from the other leading companies; that’s quite a spread. 

Again, it’s even worse for men. A 50-year-old male can expect to pay $97.20 if he has any of these health conditions, compared to around $30 from another company. Many people find Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance simply unaffordable.

Waiting Period for the Modified Plan

Just in case the high premiums aren’t enough cause for concern, Lincoln Heritage also imposes a waiting period for modified plan holders. If someone is under the age of 50, the modified plan won’t pay out a death benefit if the person dies within the first three years. However, the premiums with interest are returned to the beneficiary.

If the policyholder dies during the first year, the beneficiary will receive the premiums with 10 percent interest. The interest goes up to 20 percent the second year and 30 percent the third year.

If someone is 50 or older, the waiting period is two years. If the policyholder dies within the first year, the beneficiary will receive the premiums and 10 percent interest. It goes up to 20 percent interest the second year. 

While this isn’t as beneficial as receiving the full benefit, the interest paid out is higher than what you would find with most insurance companies. Ten percent seems to be the going rate for most companies, so this is an advantage. 

Conditions that Will Lead to a Rejection

While most people get accepted for a Lincoln Heritage burial insurance policy, there are cases of rejection. People who have HIV, AIDs, or a terminal illness won’t qualify for insurance. Also, those who are hospitalized, bedridden, or in a care facility can’t get approved. The company also doesn’t cover people who are currently incarcerated. Those who get rejected for a policy from Lincoln Heritage might qualify for a policy from another company. 

Paying Claims

You also need to consider how fast claims are paid out before choosing a burial insurance company. You want a quick payout to protect your family’s financial interests after you pass, something Lincoln Heritage doesn’t deliver on.

Many people think Lincoln Heritage pays death benefits within 24 hours but that’s misleading. If you read the marketing materials, you’ll see the claim is paid 24 hours after it’s approved. Unfortunately, approval can take days or weeks.

What many agents won’t tell you is that all companies and policies have a 2 year contestability period. If you pass away in the first 24 months of the policy, an insurance company has the right to contest. They may ask for medical records from your Doctor office, to support your answers on the health questions you answered at time of completing the application.

That’s just one issue. If you get a policy with Lincoln Heritage, you’ll notice the promise to pay the claim within 24 hours of approval is absent from the policy. While it’s a claim made in the marketing materials, it’s not present in the actual policy, which is cause for concern. If you’re afraid of your beneficiary not receiving money in a timely fashion, Lincoln Heritage might not be the right choice for you.

Family Support Services 

When you sign up for burial insurance with Lincoln Heritage, you’ll also receive Family Support Services from the Funeral Consumer Guardian Society (FCGS). This senior advocacy organization helps people plan for their funeral. It also provides resources to family members after a loved one has passed.

Does FCGS live up to its promise? Let’s look at the details.

Funeral Planning Assistance from FCGS

FCGS promises funeral planning assistance, which sounds great to people. There are so many details involved in planning a funeral, so wouldn’t it be nice to get some help?

It would be, but you won’t get much with this policy.

FCGS will send you a questionnaire to fill out. Among other questions, it will ask if you want to be cremated or buried and what music you want to have played at your service. You’ll fill it out and then send it back in. From there, the company will keep it on file and your loved ones can access it after you pass away.

This isn’t the same as talking to someone who can navigate you through the funeral planning process.

Although it’s important to document what you want at your funeral, you don’t need this insurance policy to accomplish that. You can write down your wishes and leave it in a safe place for your family. You can also talk to your family about your specific requests.

Another fact worth mentioning is if you part ways with Lincoln Heritage, you’ll also part ways with FCGS, meaning your family won’t have access to your last wishes. Instead of sending your requests off to a third party, write them yourself, keep them in a safe place and tell your family where to find it when the time comes.

Funeral Plan Security Service 

After you submit your funeral questionnaire to FCGS, the company stores it on its computers. It also gives family members a coded ID card they can use to access the plan.

This might sound like a great benefit, but it’s really nothing special. Security isn’t all that important with a funeral plan because it only contains basic information about what you want at your funeral. This information doesn’t need to be stored on a secure server and you shouldn’t have to pay higher premiums for this service. As previously mentioned, you should keep your plan at home. 

Funeral Funding Information

FCGS claims that it helps its members receive death benefits quickly. That way, the beneficiaries can promptly pay for the funeral expenses.

On the surface, that sounds helpful. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone working on getting the benefits released quickly? Maybe, but this really doesn’t make Lincoln Heritage one of the best burial insurance companies available to consumers.

It’s not as helpful of a benefit as it seems, though. The beneficiary calls FCGS, which in turn, calls Lincoln Heritage to let them know that a policyholder has passed away. Beneficiaries can cut out the middleman and simply call Lincoln Heritage themselves.

This isn’t an actual benefit. FCGS doesn’t help people get the money faster. Instead, a representative picks up the phone to start the claim process, which is something anyone can do easily on their own.

Funeral Plan Activation Help

This is the best of all FCGS’s benefits. The beneficiary calls FCGS after you pass away. Then FCGS calls the funeral home you selected. They share the funeral plan with the funeral home and help negotiate prices. 

It’s not clear if FCGS helps people save money during this step, but it is clear that it’s helpful to family members who already have enough on their plates. Having someone take care of this for them take some of the weight off during a difficult time. 

That being said, this one benefit doesn’t make the high price of Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance worth it.

The Bottom Line – Should You Get Lincoln Heritage Burial Insurance?

Lincoln Heritage burial Insurance is overpriced, especially for those who have medical conditions. People can easily end up spending 300 percent more on this coverage compared to other insurance companies.

Lincoln Heritage explains its high prices by stating its Family Support Services make it worth it. However, you don’t get very much with this service. You can find many of the included services for free if you do a quick internet search. You can also visit funeral homes before your passing to check on prices of funerals. Then, your family won’t have to deal with it after you pass.

Choosing burial insurance is very important. You want something that’s fairly priced and offers the right amount of coverage. Lincoln Heritage might offer adequate coverage, but it’s overpriced. You may want to shop around.


AGE $10,000 With
Lincoln Heritage
$10,000 With
One Of Our Companies
$15,000 With
Lincoln Heritage
$15,000 With
One Of Our Companies
50 $83.40 $24-$27 $123.60 $35-$39
51 $83.90 $25-$28 $124.35 $36-$40
52 $84.40 $25-$28 $125.10 $37-$41
53 $85.00 $26-$29 $126.00 $38-$42
54 $85.50 $27-$30 $126.75 $39-$43
55 $86.00 $28-$31 $127.50 $41-$45
56 $87.80 $29-$32 $130.20 $42-$46
57 $89.60 $30-$33 $132.90 $43-$47
58 $91.30 $30-$33 $135.45 $44-$48
59 $93.10 $31-$35 $138.15 $45-$49
60 $94.90 $32-$37 $140.85 $47-$51
61 $97.00 $34-$38 $144.00 $50-$54
62 $99.20 $36-$40 $147.30 $52-$57
63 $101.30 $37-$41 $150.45 $54-$59
64 $103.50 $39-$43 $153.75 $57-$62
65 $105.60 $41-$45 $156.90 $59-$64
66 $110.10 $43-$47 $163.65 $63-$68
67 $114.60 $45-$49 $170.40 $67-$72
68 $119.10 $48-$52 $177.15 $70-$75
69 $123.60 $50-$54 $183.90 $74-$79
70 $128.10 $53-$58 $190.65 $78-$83
71 $131.20 $56-$61 $195.30 $83-$88
72 $134.30 $60-$65 $199.95 $88-$93
73 $137.40 $63-$68 $204.60 $94-$99
74 $140.50 $67-$72 $209.25 $100-$105
75 $143.60 $72-$77 $213.90 $107-$113
76 $151.30 $78-$84 $225.45 $115-$121
77 $159.00 $83-$89 $237.00 $123-$129
78 $166.80 $88-$94 $248.70 $131-$137
79 $174.50 $93-$99 $260.25 $138-$144
80 $182.20 $98-$105 $271.80 $146-$153
81 $185.30 $106-$113 $276.45 $157-$164
82 $188.40 $113-$120 $281.10 $169-$176
83 $191.50 $121-$128 $285.75 $180-$187
84 $194.60 $128-$135 $290.40 $191-$198
85 $197.70 $135-$142 $295.05 $202-$209


AGE $10,000 With
Lincoln Heritage
$10,000 With
One Of Our Companies
$15,000 With
Lincoln Heritage
$15,000 With
One Of Our Companies
50 $97.20 $29-$32 $144.30 $42-$46
51 $99.00 $30-$33 $147.00 $43-$47
52 $100.80 $31-$34 $149.70 $45-$49
53 $102.60 $32-$35 $152.40 $46-$50
54 $104.40 $33-$36 $155.10 $48-$52
55 $106.20 $35-$38 $157.80 $51-$55
56 $107.30 $36-$39 $159.45 $53-$57
57 $108.50 $37-$40 $161.25 $55-$59
58 $109.60 $39-$42 $162.90 $57-$61
59 $110.80 $40-$44 $164.70 $59-$63
60 $111.90 $42-$46 $166.35 $62-$66
61 $115.30 $45-$49 $171.45 $66-$70
62 $118.70 $47-$51 $176.55 $70-$75
63 $122.00 $50-$54 $181.50 $74-$79
64 $125.40 $53-$57 $186.60 $78-$83
65 $128.80 $55-$59 $191.70 $82-$87
66 $134.20 $59-$63 $199.80 $87-$95
67 $139.60 $62-$66 $207.90 $92-$97
68 $145.10 $66-$70 $216.15 $98-$103
69 $150.50 $70-$74 $224.25 $103-$108
70 $155.90 $73-$78 $232.35 $108-$113
71 $162.40 $78-$83 $242.10 $115-$121
72 $168.90 $82-$87 $251.85 $122-$128
73 $175.40 $88-$93 $261.60 $130-$136
74 $181.90 $93-$98 $271.35 $138-$144
75 $188.40 $99-$104 $281.10 $147-$153
76 $193.30 $106-$112 $288.45 $158-$164
77 $198.10 $113-$119 $295.65 $168-$174
78 $203.00 $119-$125 $303.00 $178-$184
79 $207.80 $126-$132 $310.20 $187-$183
80 $212.70 $132-$139 $317.55 $197-$204
81 $212.90 $143-$150 $317.85 $212-$217
82 $213.10 $153-$160 $318.15 $228-$235
83 $213.40 $163-$170 $318.60 $243-$250
84 $203.60 $173-$180 $303.90 $258-$265
85 $213.80 $183-$190 $319.20 $273-$280

Why You Should Work With Us

When you work with an agent with Burial Insurance Pro, you’re only going to receive real and honest information. Our job is to help you find the best policy for your family. This may mean the lowest priced options, or mean pairing you up with the perfect life insurance provider.

Contact us at 844-334-6143. A quick 5 minute phone call is all that it takes to find out what your options are. We love working with families like yours. Put our expertise to work, and lean on us. We’ll make the application process as easy as possible, and promise to provide a first class customer service experience.

When considering Lincoln Heritage burial insurance, keep in mind that there’s most likely a better priced option for you and your family. If wanting to hold onto your money, and not over pay for coverage, please keep us in mind. We’ll provide quotes to over 20 different companies for you to compare. Burial insurance is a very important decision for you and your family. Let us help you with these important financial products.

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