Creating a Life Review

By burial pro

Feb 17

Death is scary.   And as we all know it’s inevitable for all of us.

If it’s just yourself you’re thinking about, things could have been easier. However, in most cases, you’ll also think about the people you’ll leave behind. Not many other circumstances are more painful than the thought of parents leaving their kids. Your demise is sure to be a dark time that will engulf them in sadness and grief.

There are a few things you can do to make death more bearable—maybe not completely bearable—but not worse than it could be. For instance, you can remove the financial burden by having final expense insurance. It can give you peace of mind knowing that your funeral expenses are taken care of.

Another thing you can do is create a life review. It’s a great way to leave beautiful memories and share your words of wisdom. Doing so will not only give you closure but also provide a sense of completion. While your family will be grieving their loss, it will also help share some wonderful memories and stories.  It makes you realize you lived a good life and that you want your loved ones to remember it that way.

What Is a Life Review?

This journal defined life review as a “systematic and structured process of recalling past events and memories in an effort to find meaning in and achieve resolution of one’s life.”  Many people have never heard of this way of remembering all the event’s in one’s life.  However, these are becoming more and more popular for many families across the world.

While we refer to life review in this article in the context of death, it’s applicable in many other cases. Generally speaking, anyone can do it when they want to achieve peace, contentment, or empowerment. Whether you’re starting a new career path or building a family, you might want to make a life review. Although, in the succeeding discussions, we convey tips on making a life review for anyone dying and looking for a way to leave something meaningful.

How did I do? What have I done? What will I leave behind? Will my family and friends be proud of me? These are just some of the questions that you should ask and answer in your life review.  You can easily record these notes and memories using a computer, paper and pen, or maybe create a verbal diary using a number of recording devices.

Your life review is essentially a part of the many preparations for your departure from this world. While a will and insurance for your funeral can keep things organized after your death, a life review is also a good instrument to share memories and lessons.  You can store these memories in a file cabinet, or safety deposit box along with all your other important documents.

Tips for Creating a Life Review

If you’re clueless about where to start in conducting your life review, here are some tips that can help you get on the right foot.

  • Convey Your Anger

Peace is priceless, even in death. Once you are confronted with the threat of your impending mortality, it’s best if you can let go of any emotional baggage that you have. A good thing to do is to unload your anger. It’s inevitable that you experience intense feelings, and you should never suppress them. Instead, they need to be expressed in your life review. Releasing anger in your life review can help you find peace.

  • Express Responsibility

If you’re trying to blame others for your fate, then you’re approaching things the wrong way. Instead, you should claim full responsibility for what’s about to happen. The life you had was led by no one but you. Your success and failures are your doing. If you want to come to terms with facing death, you need to own up to everything that has happened. This can also be an opportunity to share the mistakes you committed, and more importantly, how you want to correct them. It can convey valuable lessons to those who can read your life review.

  • Show Forgiveness

There’s no sense in staying angry when you know that you’ll be leaving this world soon. Forgiving does not mean you accept a wrong behavior. Rather, it’s all about letting go of resentment. In turn, you can spend your remaining days in peace knowing that you do not have a grudge against anyone.

At the same time, it can help people you’re forgiving to accept your death when they know that you have forgiven them for what they’ve done. Plus, you can take your life review as a chance to ask forgiveness. The recognition and resolution of interpersonal conflicts are integral to your life review.

  • Share Your Learnings

Your life review can also be a platform to share words of wisdom. This is especially common among parents who want to impart valuable lessons to their young children who they will be leaving behind. Show them how you lived your life and let it become a lesson to them. In most cases, you don’t even have to be too explicit about it.

Provide simple anecdotes to show your loved ones the lessons you’re trying to leave behind. Share the works you have done that contributed to the greater good and express your intention that others will continue your cause. Maybe pass down some life lessons that your grandparents and parents shared with you.

  • Communicate Hope

Writing a life review can also be a chance to convey hope to other people. Show them that despite the difficulties you experienced, you remained hopeful. This does not necessarily mean that you’re hoping for more years, but it could be a way to show you’re hoping for the best for everyone. This will help them achieve a continued sense of purpose instead of losing themselves when they lose you. It’s vital if you wish to help them see the light amidst the darkness they experience following your death.

  • Say Your Gratitude

Even when you’re dying, you probably have a lot to be thankful for. Whether it is material possessions or core memories, share them in your life review. This will help your loved ones cope with grief since they’ll know you lived your life well. Thank the people who made an impact on your life. Share memories you’re thankful for. This will help you die with joy and peace in your heart instead of uncertainty, anger, and other negative emotions.

Final Thoughts

Preparing for death is difficult, especially if you are consumed by the thought of how the people you’ll be living behind will survive. However, there’s a way you can ease such a painful event. Creating a life review can give you the chance to impart lessons and memories to your loved ones.

While you’re planning on how to cover burial expenses, and searching for the best burial insurance, a ‘life review’ would also be a great thing to put together for your family.  While it sounds tedious, you will probably smile, shed a few tears and overall have a sense of relief when it’s completed.

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